5 Excellent Resources

5 Excellent Resources To Help You Explain Racial Bias To Your Children

Mamanushka, the new parenting blog, has published some stellar content since its launch, including the latest one, 5 Excellent Resources To Help You Explain Racial Bias To Your Children. Worth reading and sharing far and wide.

This past week, with all its happiness and celebrations of Eid, has also been one of great sadness and anger as we once again are forced to remind the world that Black Lives Matter.

It would be easy for me to assume that my children are too young to understand issues of race. That they don’t “see colour” and are immune to racial bias. But when my daughter asks me for a “white doll” because it is “prettier” or questions the colour of her own skin as being dirty, I know that not talking about race is a mistake that will deeply harm her.


Resources for seekers