
Good Character

December 17, 2018 2 mins

Grateful Servants of God – Radical Gratitude Series

What is true gratitude, and how can it make a difference in our lives? In this segment, Ustadh Amjad Tarsin explains how having gratitude can positively affect our lives. It’s important for us to understand gratitude and cultivate it into our hearts, so that we can draw closer to Allah. Imam al-Haddad said that one […]
December 14, 2018 14 mins

Adab 08: The Proprieties of Travel

Ustadh Tabraze Azam writes on the proprieties of travel and how one can make even a simple journey an act of true worship. True, meaningful journeying is found in spiritual wayfaring. In other words, the journey from sin and disobedience to righteous acts and godfearingness, from heedlessness to presence, from distance to proximity, and from […]
December 13, 2018 3 mins

The Patience of Umm Ayyub

Umm Ayyub was an ordinary lady with extraordinary patience and strength. She was a very ordinary women, so ordinary that you wouldn’t notice her. She was so ordinary that I still don’t know her name to this very day. I don’t remember where I first met her, or when I met her. In fact, I […]
December 11, 2018 5 mins

Balancing Family and Seeking Knowledge – Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil

Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil, a student of knowledge, teacher and mother, offers valuable advice to women who wish to pursue studies in sacred knowledge. I am a mother of two children under 3 and a half years, and everyday is a juggling bonanza of love and service. There are my physical acts of service for my […]