
Commanding the Right and Forbidding the Wrong

January 19, 2019 2 mins

Re Previous Answer on Wife’s Conjugal Rights

Shaykh Jamir Meah clarifies certain aspects of a previous answer on a wife’s conjugal rights. I am writing to inquire a further look at this portion from a previous answer: What Does Islam Say About the Neglect of the Wife’s Sexual Rights? Islam already takes into account the fact that a woman may have times […]
January 19, 2019 9 mins

Told by Parents to Cut Ties with Brother

Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil gives a detailed answer on being asked by parents to cut ties with a brother. I have an older brother who is very dear to me (raised me and my sister very well). He is a really great guy, but recently he has “fallen in love” with a horrible woman. She […]
January 17, 2019 2 mins

Bringing to Mind Graphic Blasphemy

Shaykh Jamir Meah explains the rulings on blasphemous thoughts presented to one in discourse. Can there ever be a cause that makes the bringing to mind of very graphic blasphemy (insulting images and actions of God that are very grave with sexuality and humiliation) permissible or halal? Like when it is sent to a scholar? […]
January 13, 2019 1 min

Reading Romance–Erotica with One’s Spouse

Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan gives the ruling on reading romance–erotica with one’s spouse. Is it halal or makruh to read romance or erotic stories with one’s wife? Thank you. Thank you for your question. The reading of romantic or erotic novels essentially leads one to draw images of romance or sexual relations to mind. If, when […]