
Quran and Tafsir

April 6, 2024 5 mins

Can A Menstruating Woman Read and Touch the Quran?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I understand that the preponderant opinion of our School disallows recitation (qira’atan) and touching of mushaf during hayd. However, are there differing opinions within the Shafi‘i School regarding this issue? And what rulings and observances would be necessary if one adopted this alternate view? Answer In the Name of Allah, […]
April 4, 2024 1 min

Can I Both Listen and Recite the Quran to Complete It in Ramadan?-Shaykh Faraz R...

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Can I Both Listen and Recite the Quran to Complete It in Ramadan? Shaykh Faraz will elucidate the benefits of daily listening to Quranic recitation during Ramadan and beyond, and whether it is possible to read at the same time. Additionally, he will explore the practice of the Prophet’s companions […]
March 31, 2024 1 min

Is It Sinful to Recite the Quran without Tajwid?-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Is It Sinful to Recite the Quran without Tajwid? Every day, we read the Quran and listen to its recitation. However, when is it obligatory to recite it with proper tajwid? Shaykh Faraz will guide us on this matter, quoting some hadith that bring joy to the heart and explaining […]
March 30, 2024 4 mins

How Do the Quran and Sunna Uplift and Guide Disabled Individuals?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick Question  How can verses like [al-Mulk 67:2] help those who are disabled? Is it fair for us to suffer without receiving any benefit while healthy people are reminded to be grateful? How can we find gratitude in our suffering? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. […]